
Android Oreo 8.0 & Picture in Picture

Feature of Android Oreo 8.0  & Picture in Picture  In this post, I will show you the features of android oreo 8.0 and picture in picture feature of Android oreo.  Android Oreo Picture in Picture (PIP)  feature lets you keep a video window open while using another app. Before we start to Picture in Picture, first we look the main features of android oreo. Android 8.0 Oreo is the newest version of the Android mobile operating system. It was first released as an alpha quality developer preview in March 2017 and released to the public on August 21, 2017.  It contains a number of major features, including notification grouping, picture-in-picture support  for video, performance improvements and battery usage optimization, and support for auto filters, wide color gamuts, and Wi-Fi Aware. 2x faster: Get started on your favorite tasks more quickly with 2x the boot speed when powering up Background limits: ...

ALP Programming 8086 using TASM in ubuntu

Installing Turbo Assembler(TASM) in ubuntu  To do Assembly Language programming we need a assembler. One of them is Turbo Assembler (TASM). For performing Assembly language programming in Linux with TASM we need to do the following  Step 1 : Update the packages and dependencies Open the terminal in Linux (Ctrl + Alt + T ) and run the following commands. (These commands are not compulsory. If they not run, sometimes that causes installation problem).  sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get install –f  Step 2 : Install DOSBOX  DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with sound, graphics, mouse, joystick, modem, etc., necessary for running Assembly language programs.  To Install DOSBox run the following command in the Terminal  sudo apt-get install dosbox  Step 3 : Download the TASM to Linux  Download the packages for TASM by linking on the below link, that automatically download a Zip file. ...


Data Base Connectivity with Java Applications So in this post I will explain how to connect Database with a java application.That is, I will create a java application that contains to GUIs,one is login and other is Signup.And also create a database.This simple application Allows a user to create a account i e signup  and the user can login with his/her username and password.(For creating java application i uses Netbeans and for Database I uses the WAMP server). Step 1: Open Neatbeans File > New Project > Java  > Java Application  (Give the project name and press Finish) Step 2 : Expand  the project situated in the Project Explorer window . So you can  see "Source Packages", Right click on source Packages > New > Java package   (Give your package name and press Finish) Step 3 : similarly create a JFrame in that package.For that, Right click on Packages > New > jFrame form (GIve you...


STEP 1:                First plug in the D-Link net setter to your computer. STEP 2:                Open File explorer and Double click on the D-link modem . STEP 2:               And install it normally. STEP 3:              After installing the D-link app, Double click on the D-link Connection Manager icon to open. STEP 4:             Then the application will open and it automatically initialize and test the sim on the Net Setter.  STEP 5:               Then click on the Connect Button the it automatically connect to the internet. After doing this the Net Setter is connect to the internet. Using this application you can call check ussd send and receive message  and lot more. Thank you.